Toyin Ayeni

Olutoyin (Toyin) Ayeni is a Nigerian-American and the author of the book titled “I am a Nigerian, Not a Terrorist”. This book was released in 2010 prior to Nigeria’s Independence Day to celebrate the Nigerian people, the culture, past, present and potential for the future. This book was also written for a global audience, Nigerians and non-Nigerians to promote tolerance, embrace our diversity and to enlighten the world about Nigeria. 

Her book was written out of a passion to leave a legacy for the children. It increases knowledge for all generations, exposes our history to the younger generation and she has received positive feedback from both Nigerians and Non-Nigerians and she hope it will encourage others to learn about other cultures.

In an interview, Toyin was asked why she chose such a name for her book, she simply responded:

"Although people would immediately think it came about because of the underwear bomber or Christmas Terrorist, the title actually came after the content. The word “Terrorist” is simply meant to cover any negativity that Nigerians may be stereotyped for. The title tells people that Nigeria like every other county might not be perfect but the people are hard working including some of the worlds brightest and a lot more than terrorists or con-artists"
Toyin enjoys event planning, mentoring people especially the youth, singing, listening to music, dancing, writing, reading and sports.

You can purchase 'I Am a Nigerian, NOT a Terrorist' here:

Toyin can also be found on Twitter and Facebook

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love you DMVA..You'll not believe I just saw this...I have been away from the social network for a while..been buried in work..Thanks for posting this on your site and hope to see you guys soon. Keep up the great work uniting Africans..your tweets are really hilarious

    Get the word out I need more followers from the DMV on my twitter account..
    Toyin Ayeni
    @toyinayeni via twitter


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