Meet The Team

President -------------------- Adaobi Theresa Nwka
Country: Nigeria
What makes her unique: She is known for her organization and listening skills. She's the brains of the group and aids in structure and order.
Twitter Handle: @AdaobiWaka

Vice President ---------------- Lisa Nomso Onyekwere
Country: Nigeria
What makes her unique: She is known for her interest in African culture and knowledge of events in Africa.  
Twitter Handle: @DaughtaOfBiafra

Public Relations -------------- Nnedimma Jessica Nwka
Country: Nigeria 
What makes her unique: She is one of the founders of DMV Africans. She is known for her comedic attitude and ability to connect with people easily. 
Twitter Handle: @AyamAfrican

Co-Founder ------------------- Nathaniel Kyei Abrese 

Country: Ghana
What makes him unique: He is a member of the DMV Makossa Kings and one of the founders of DMV Africans. He cannot go a day without breaking into dance.
Twitter Handle: @FineBoiNoPimple

Parlimentarian ------------------- Vincent Dzotefe 

Country: Ghana. 
What makes him unique: He is known for his business-like demeanor and blunt sarcasm. He's an expert at following rules and remaining inside the box.
Twitter Handle: @SmoovLkeBbyHoil

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